Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Q&A with J.Junior Page

Yesterday, I caught up with the Author J. Junior Page and we chatted about a few of his latest projects; including the Sons of Asgard Series.

Q) Will the Child of Woe end the series?
A) I hope not, I have big plans for the series and it has always been my intention to get many stories from the main characters out there.

Q) Will there be any more side books linked to the series. Do releases such as "The Harvest of the Blood Moon Wolf" fill a valuable role in the story? 
A) Without a doubt, the side books add more detail and reasons for the actions of the main characters within the main storyline. I hope to have several of these types of books available. I personally believe they will become essential for later books.

Q) Do you have trouble fitting in all the plot points in each book?
A) I feel that I do, I want the reader to know why a character feels and acts in such a way. I believe that it brings them to life!

Q) Will there be a third instalment  of Infinity Minus Zero. We received a snippet of IMZIII:Operative at the end of book two?
A) Possible, but the series is on holiday at the moment.

Q) Does the Sons of Asgard series occupy your time at the moment?
A) Yes, it is the series I love. It is the favoured child of the family at the moment!

Q) Will you as a writer and publisher, explore different genres in the future?
A) I intend to, at this moment I have several different projects away from my safety zone in the offering.

Q) Will "Child of Woe" be out this month( October)?
A) I am in the final proofing stage and I would like to release it as error free as possible!